Drama 495

Regular university classes run from Sep. 5, 2018 to Dec. 7, 2018
Regular deadline to add/drop: Sep. 12, 2018 12:00pm  
Regular last day to withdraw: Dec. 7, 2018  

Drama 495 DRA 495
Senior Drama Seminar and Project 3 (0-2s-4-0-0)

Research, preparation and production of a major theatre project that may include but is not limited to writing a script, acting, directing or designing a production, developing and/or delivering drama curriculum. Seminars on topics of theatre production, performance and aesthetics will support the preparation of the theatre project. This is an advanced course that corresponds to the vocational interests of students and that normally takes place in the final year of their program.

Note: Restricted to students in a Drama concentration or minor.

Prerequisites: (Drama 325 or Drama 353 or Drama 383) and 2nd year standing required and Consent of Department
Further information: Course availability and times